On Saturday 13th August our school celebrated 75th Independence Day program in our school auditorium.Students came to the school early in the morning in school uniform.Our school auditorium was decorated properly in order to create a sense of nationalistic feeling in young minds.The function on this occasion began in the morning of 13th August at 9 am.Our Principal Sr.Bindhu George hoisted the flag which was followed by National Anthem.The program continued with a prayer song by std X which was followed by Welcome Speech by School Head Girl Miss.Ardhra B.Our principal Sr.Bindhu George presided over the meeting.There was a patriotic dance by Miss Ardhra Prakash of IX
which portrayed cultural heritage and identity.Various competitions were held housewise such as Tableau and Quiz for HS and HSS sections.Poster making for UP section.The program ended with the vote of thanks of Mrs.Jessymol